Shah Trade Corporation Terms of Sale

Home Terms and Conditions

By placing an order with STC, the Client / Purchaser hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions:

Purchaser : The Buying Party (Individual, Company, Firm, Trust or Government Agency) is hereby referred to as the “Purchaser”, “Buyer”, “Customer” or “Client” interchangably.

Seller : The Selling Party hereby providing the sale of goods and necessary service support is herein mentioned as “Shah Trade Corporation” or “STC”.

Offer Validity : The offer is deemed valid until the date mentioned provided the Purchaser meets the terms of payment as stated in the aforementioned offer. Should the order be confirmed after this “valid until” date, STC shall aceept or choose to resubmit an offer owing to the prevailing international market conditions, exchange rate fluctuation, cost of input, transport and labor, stock levels and other factors not mentioned above. Order is only considered confirmed on receipt of payment as.

Payment Terms : The Purchaser hereby agrees to adhere to STC placed payment terms as mutually agreed by both parties. Should an advance payment be received and later order cancelled, it shall be at the sole discretion of STC to charge a restocking fee in whole or part depending on the nature of goods.

Ship Date : Ship date refers to the estiamted time required to dispatch the order from STC- Mumbai office in working days (excluding public holidays, weekends and international holidays). Faster delivery schedules may be available on request at an added cost. Contact your sales in-charge for more options. “Same Day” delivery can only be guaranteed for payment received before 2 PM.

Delivery Delay : The Purchaser agrees that it is not always under the control of STC to ensure 100% guaranteed delivery as mentioned in the ship date. The ship date is recalculated every 4 months based on STC’s proprietory delivery schedule algorithm based on past customer experiences. Delays are due to exceptions in the Supply Chain: Local and International Customs, Availability of Flight, Cargo and Land Connectivity, Congestion at Sea and Airports, Government Regulations and Loss in transit. Post the “Ship Date”, the Purchaser is entitled to a delivery update every 2 days by means of email communication only. STC has a track record of meeting or bettering Ship Date estimates 93% of times.

Unit Price : Unit price refers to the price of 1 quantity of the item in unit as available from the OEM as per the part number. “Set” refers to 1 set of the item as used in the machine. “Kit” refers to parts consists assembled in the form of a kit to facilitate Client use and as a service offered by STC as no added cost. Prices are in Indian Rupees (INR) unless specifically mentioned in the “Comments or Special Instructions” column of the offer. Unit prices are calculated as per Customs Tariff Rate on the date of order. Client agrees to pay any difference in costing as per the prevaling Customs Tariff Rate on date of delivery in Mumbai.

Part Numbers : STC strictly follows OEM norms while quoting for part numbers. In case of a mismatch between the part number and the description from the Purchaser’s end, STC will follow the part number and supply the appropiate part without holding liability to correct the Client description. As a company policy, STC does not provide part numbers unless provided by the Purchaser. During purchase, STC technical team might give suggestions in good faith to Clients which will be at the discretion of Client to accept or reject.

Buyer Responsibilities :

  • To place a order with STC clearly identifying the correct part required.
  • To provide the necessary correct information about machine as requested by STC technical team prior to order confirmation.
  • To fulfil timely payment commitments as agreed with STC and mentioned in the offer.
  • To have patience till the ship date mentioned and trust that STC is doing everything in control for earliest possible delivery date.

Seller Responsibilities :

  • To timely process and initiate Client orders from the day Client payment received.
  • To ensure prompt responses to Client emails with minimum Turn Around Time.
  • To keep customers informed by written communication about status of their orders post.
  • To supply the highest quality of goods in line with the offer provided.

Returns & Exchanges :

In the unforseen event of a wrong part supply, STC at their sole discretion may choose to exchange, refund or offer equivalent credit (TAT 15 working days) for a return of a parts. Prior to a submission, a Claim Form must be filled (contact sales). Returns are accepted in the following cases :

  • Item supplied is not correct as per the part number.
  • Dimensions of the supplied part do not match that of OEM.

Returns are not accepted in the following cases :

  • Wrong part or part number ordered by the Client, not matching Client’s machine.
  • Unused parts being returned to STC
  • Parts not meeting Client expectations after use of part.
  • Order cancellation on account of “Delivery Delay” clause as mentioned above.
  • Parts in relation to electrical, electronic systems, sensors, fuel system and fuel injection.
  • Failure during installation of spares on part of the Client.

Packing & Forwarding :

We entertain requests for specific packaging as requested by the Client and at an added cost. The Unit Prices mentioned are by default Ex-Works- Mumbai Office. Freight and Delivery charges are extra as applicable as per Client requested location / site / freight forwarder prepaid.

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